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DOX FIELD \Southern Valley\ is located in Futtsu, Japan on Sasake, 749-1. DOX FIELD \Southern Valley\ is rated 4.9 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY] in Japan.
(Translated by Google) I think it's wide and good for Italian Greyhound (Original) 広くてイタグレに良いと思います
(Translated by Google) Clean grass and easy-to-run area ️ (Original) きれいな芝と走りやすい広さ‼️
(Translated by Google) Membership dog run specializing in Italian greyhounds. There is a large orchid area with a lawn on the entire surface, and itagre can be run around. There are also visitor members and general use. (Original) イタリアングレーハウンド専門の会員制ドッグラン。全面が芝の広大なランエリアがあり、イタグレが思いっきり駆け巡れます。ビジター会員、一般利用もあります。
(Translated by Google) The staff were very kind and had a wonderful time. I want to take it again. (Original) スタッフの皆さんがとても親切で素敵な時間を過ごせました。また連れて行きたいと思います。
(Translated by Google) Although it is a dog run dedicated to Itagure, the facilities and staff are the best ( _ ) v (Original) イタグレ専用のドッグランですが、施設もスタッフも最高です(_)v
(Translated by Google) Shop specializing in Itagure. Itagre hotel and school are also fully equipped. Recommended for those who keep itagure for the first time. (Original) イタグレ専門のショップ。イタグレ専用ホテルやスクールも完備。初めてイタグレを飼う人にオススメ。
(Translated by Google) It ’s an amazing study. If you have Itagure, it is a must. I buy food once a month and let it play. (Original) ものスゴイ勉強に成ります。 イタグレ飼ってる方は是非です。 毎月一度フードを買いがてら、遊ばせて貰ってます。
(Translated by Google) Itagure friendly (Original) イタグレに優しい
DOX FIELD \Southern Valley\
Sasake 749-1293-0055 FuttsuJapan
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