John Smith
A brilliant place to relax after a long flight, or right before one.
This is a modern-traditional luxury bath house with all the bells and whistles we've come to expect. Aside from the actuals baths, there's a restaurant, library, barber shop, massage parlor, and more.
As for the bathing area, there are a good number of shower booths available, all equipped with washing up liquids. There are two saunas, a far-infrared and a salt sauna. The baths are indoors and outdoors. Outdoors is a (I think weekly changing) thematic bath, which could be scented with oranges, leek, or whatever is probably in season.
Inside are tiled baths with jets, laying down type, and a regular bath. Outside is a natural-looking stone bath, a wooden bath, and the thematic bath. It's possible to cool down outside, on some chairs or benches.
The admission fee is reasonable, (at the time of writing) - 620 for adults, 310 for children, and 210 for toddlers. They have various combination tickets as well. A towel set can be rented for 250, but they also have towels to purchase, if you prefer.
When you enter, you are given a bracelet with a barcode that you can use to purchase foods, drinks, and services (bathing is already included). When you leave, you must pay the balance of you purchased anything.