ximalaya japan,Inc.(シマラヤジャパン株式会社) is rated 3 out of 5 in the category information technology and services. Read and write reviews about ximalaya japan,Inc.(シマラヤジャパン株式会社). Ximalaya Japan Ximalaya Japan is the first oversea corporate office of China’s largest online audio streaming platform, which Ximalaya (喜马拉雅). Founded in 2017, the office is located in the very heart of Japan - Shibuya, Tokyo. Our mission is to introduce a new audible lifestyle to our users by creating an online audio platform that shares entertainment and knowledge audios accessible anytime and anywhere. Ximalaya is the home of over 60 million audio tracks, ranging from audiobooks, talk show, music, news, to history and education. The platform supports download and upload.The unique PUGC ecosystem has attracted over 5,000 industry elite, 500 celebrities, and 200,000 influencers and 5 million verified podcasters. The number is growing, as we believe that with Ximalaya, a new audible lifestyle is gradually being embraced by our users, and will bring change to people’s daily life toward a better future. 日本市場向けアプリ『Himalaya』9月14日リリース!! App Downloads https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ximalaya.ting.international&hl facebook https://www.facebook.com/XimalayaJapan/ twitter https://twitter.com/XimalayaJapan 中国版ホームページ 喜马拉雅FM (http://www.ximalaya.com/) 4億人がダウンロードしているPodcastアプリ。中国アプリストア・ベストセラーリストの第1位、アクティブ・ユーザーの1日あたり平均使用時間128分、6,000万件のサウンドコンテンツと、ファイナンス、ミュージック、ニュース、ビジネス、朗読小説、クルマなど328種類の朗読コンテンツを配信。
Company size
501-1000 employees
渋谷区宇田川町10-2 いちご宇田川ビル6F, 東京都